Distributed Organizing

Flexible Paid Door-Knocking

Want to help turn out Democratic voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina or Wisconsin this fall?

Earn $125 or more for each completed door-knocking list, which takes about three hours on average. Best of all, you can knock doors anytime and anywhere! Sign up now to knock doors below. We also offer virtual info sessions to learn more and ask questions.

Click on a State to Apply

If you don’t live in one of these states but want to travel to knock doors, please apply using these links instead of those above: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

We empower Democrats to help get out the vote by knocking doors where they live. With both paid and volunteer options, distributed organizing works for any time commitment during the critical months when we rally Democrats to vote.

How Distributed Organizing works

  • Virtual briefing and anytime support
  • Select your own door-knocking locations on our online map
  • Use your smartphone — all other supplies are mailed to you
  • Script and literature focus on voting information
  • Knock doors anytime you want — no fixed shift lengths or minimums
  • Paid bi-weekly (as a contractor for tax purposes), or you can sign up as a volunteer

Knocking Doors — Rallying Democrats to Vote is Easy and Effective!

Give a Week to Save Democracy

Our program is also perfect for folks who don’t live in a swing state but are able to travel to AZ, GA, NC, PA, MI or WI and help on the ground for a few days, a week or longer. You can make $250 per day to offset your travel expenses.

Watch our recent national YouTube live event. We were joined by special guests, Anderson Clayton, North Carolina Democratic Party Chair (at 26, the youngest party chair in the nation), Lavora Barnes, Michigan Democratic Party Chair since 2019, and Ben Wikler, Chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party since 2019.

Winning in Georgia requires consistency and dedication. Progressive Turnout Project’s long-term support in Georgia and efforts to connect with inconsistent Democratic voters makes a real difference in critical races across the state.” — Rep. Nikema Williams, GA–05

Progressive Turnout Project has a proven track record of building organizing expertise and supporting grassroots efforts in all 100 counties across North Carolina. PTP understands that one-on-one conversations with rural voters are just as important as those with folks in Charlotte.” — Anderson Clayton, Chair, Democratic Party of North Carolina

To deliver progress in Wisconsin, we have to organize in every community statewide. Progressive Turnout Project’s commitment to one-on-one conversations with voters from Platteville to the northwoods is a key part of our momentum.” — Ben Wikler, Chair, Democratic Party of Wisconsin

3 M
Doors knocked
500 K
convos with voters